Tenemos el enorme placer de anunciar una nueva colaboración con RED GIRLS PROJECT

Ella es Maria Jose Lopes, amiga y compañera de RED GIRLS PROJECT; de origen argentino pero con alma viajera y coach de vida como profesión.
During the month of March we were lucky to have her in our school, being a fundamental pillar of the educational commission and the day-to-day activities carried out there.
Currently he has assumed the coordination of said commission, his objective is clear: to maintain it and continue working to improve the quality and educational methodologies of our school.
She is also part of the Red Girls Project team, where she has collaborated since her arrival in Uganda.
Apasionada y comprometida, así es como la definimos desde RED GIRLS PROJECT.
Maria Jose con niñ@s de la comunidad de Masaka, Uganda. Marzo de 2023
Tras su viaje a Uganda decidió dar un paso más allá en lo que a su colaboración con RED GIRLS PROJECT se refiere, y es que de ninguna manera ha querido desvincularse. No tenía suficiente con seguir ayudando con su tiempo, que ha decidido colaborar de forma económica a través de su negocio de Coaching de Vida.
In their social networks has announced this collaboration:
Last year and since there are no coincidences, I had the opportunity to meet and meet beautiful people with a giant heart.
All this led me to RED GIRLS PROJECT, an NGO destined to contribute a grain of sand to this world.
And since I believe and trust that the Life Coaching has no borders, no age, But it is of great value at any age to work on personal development, self-love, emotions, body and language.
We began to integrate it into the classes, so that from a young age they begin to listen to each other.
That's why I want to tell you that... EVERYBODY, who are starting or have finished their PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROCESS WITH ME, part of his MONEY You are traveling to Uganda for food, supplies or whatever you need at that time..
Maria Jose Lopes
Thus, as he well explains in his instagram, part of the money from the COACHING sessions he teaches are destined for our projects.
Desde RGP solo nos queda agradecerle su compromiso y amor, y brindar por muchos años de colaboración
And you? Do you want to collaborate with us?
ohwrite to us and we will find a way!